A research on the establishment and activities of the Korean Taekkyun Association 인문,사회과학편 : 대한태껸진흥회의 설립과 그 활동에 관한 연구
46(3) 1-12, 2007
A research on the establishment and activities of the Korean Taekkyun Association 인문,사회과학편 : 대한태껸진흥회의 설립과 그 활동에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to observe the management structure of the nation's 76th intangible cultural asset Taekkyun, from a viewpoint of institutional history. In other words, it is in revealing which serial and cultural settings the management structure of Taekkyun was first established in and what activities it did. Specifically, focus of the study was put on the Korean Taekkyun Association and the settings in which it was established and its regulations and activities were observed. Study methods were analysis and inquiry based on data collected from documented material and field research; and the results are as follows. After the restoration of independence until the 1960s, there was no management structure for Taekkyun. Then, from 1972, Duk-ki Song and Han-sung Shin began arguments for the establishment of an organization and after that in 1973, the Korean Taekkyun Association was established and in affiliation, "the Korean Traditional Martial Arts Taekkyun Association "was formed. Regulations of the organization were written by Han-Sung Shin, based on the constitution of the Korean Amateur Wrestling Association. Organization activities included the establishment of a Taekkyun training gym in Chungju by Han-Sung Shin in October, 1973, unofficial Taekkyun promotion tests since 1974 and numerous promotion tests at regular intervals in 1975. like so, the Association was the first Taekkyun Organization after its establishment by Han-Sung Shin and Duk-Ki Song after the restoration of independence and after that, it became a foundation for the establishment of a training gym and Taekkyun promotion test activities. The significance of the association's organization and activities can be found in the fact that it played the role of being a traditional parent-body for some Taekkyun organizations after (Taekkyun’s) appointment as a cultural asset.
Key Words
Duk-Ki Song Han-Sung Shin, Korean Taekkyun Association, promotion test
A critical study on Allen Guttmann`s theoretical frame of sports modernization 인문,사회과학편 : Allen Guttmann이 제시한 스포츠 근대성의 비판적 고찰
46(3) 13-24, 2007
A critical study on Allen Guttmann`s theoretical frame of sports modernization 인문,사회과학편 : Allen Guttmann이 제시한 스포츠 근대성의 비판적 고찰
The term and theory of modernization reached their peak of popularity in the 1950s and 1960s and academically, modernization became so popular a term among social scientists that even historians took to using it (Armstrong, 2004). The purpose of this paper is to explore the characteristics of sports modernization with a focus on Guttmann's remarkable academic work From Ritual to Record: The Nature of Modem Sports. In Korean sports academia, so far the study of sports modernization related to Guttmann has been superficial, in spite of the fact that this book has been read the world over and also is well known as a must for students who study social science in kinesiology or related to sports, for its outstanding scholarly value. Gutttmann developed an ideal type of description of the modern transformation of sports on the basis of Weber’s traditions and methodological constructs. He has also ascertained the logically modernistic character inherent in modem sports. Despite some criticism, Guttman is a prominent scholar who provides a conceptual description about the substantial shifts in sport culture from primitive ritual to modern record-keeping in sport culture.
Key Words
Allen Guttman, Max Weber, rationalization, and sports modernization
Zhuang-Zi`s xuxin(虛心) and stance of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 장자의 허심과 스포츠 자세
46(3) 25-32, 2007
Zhuang-Zi`s xuxin(虛心) and stance of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 장자의 허심과 스포츠 자세
In this study, I suggested that stance of sport as Xuxin in sport world by studying Xuxin(虛心) in which Zhuang-Zi’s philosophy was very important. The method of this study use text analysis of Xuxin in Zhung-Zi philosophy. According to Kang’s(2003) interpretation on Zhung-Zi ,s philosophy, It is very necessary to emphasize dearly that intercourse is the ontological situation because intercourse is the ontological event different from intellectual understanding or feeling response. To inquiry this problem I analyzed Xuxin concept presented in Zhung-Zi text. The result of this study was that Xuxin of Zhuang-zi can be interpreted with the idea of wuwei an uselessness. We can apply this idea to the stance of sport. Tao in Zhung-zi philosophy is uselessness and Xuxin(impersonal mind) which mean the logic of Tong(通) in Zhung-Za's philosophy. To reach Xuxin, We must depend on Tao presented as openness mind. The concept of Xuxin is the way which subject and the object communicate. It is also this point that Zhung-Zi’s philosophy is still very significant to stance of sport, sport couching, sport practice,, We should apply impersonal mind to stance of sport.
A study on Ahn Ja-San`s view on martial arts - centering around 인문,사회과학편 : 안자산의 무예관(武藝觀) 연구 -<조선무사영웅전(朝鮮武士英雄傳)>을 중심으로-
46(3) 33-42, 2007
A study on Ahn Ja-San`s view on martial arts - centering around 인문,사회과학편 : 안자산의 무예관(武藝觀) 연구 -<조선무사영웅전(朝鮮武士英雄傳)>을 중심으로-
The purpose of this research was to investigate what Ahn Ja-san's view on martial arts through his work, < The Story of Korean Martial Arts Heroes > Ja-san was a precursor taking the lead in movement of teaching and publicizing of nation's history and identity as well. At the same time he was a patriot and activist who had sacrificed so much and fought hard in pursuit of independence of nation And he was not only an eminent educator in early stage of modernized education system, but was a Korean classical scholar also. So then, in this context, it can be said that < The Story of Korean Martial Arts Heroes > shares identical meaning to other books published during the same period of time. In particular, situation of Korean society in 1940 when < The Story of Korean Martial Arts Heroes > was printed was overwhelmed by Japanese colonial cultural policy. And, it is thought that the first of all necessary things was to inculcate in general populace a spirit or virtues that may be required for warriors or military heroes. Therefore, in these episodes of martial arts heroes written by An Ja-san, there were hidden purposes so as to recover nations identity having attempted to imbue people with pride and self-confidence by introducing somatic culture [military hero(or warrior) and martial art] uniquely and independently developed by Korean people.
Key Words
ahn ja-san, martial arts through, somatic culture
The influence of aggression on the depression and anger Level of physical education college students 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생의 공격성이 우울 및 분노수준에 미치는 영향
정주혁JooHyugJung , 소영호YoungHoSo
46(3) 43-54, 2007
The influence of aggression on the depression and anger Level of physical education college students 인문,사회과학편 : 체육계열 대학생의 공격성이 우울 및 분노수준에 미치는 영향
정주혁JooHyugJung , 소영호YoungHoSo
This study was aimed at examining the influence of aggression on the depression and anger level of physical education majors in college students. The data collected from the 322 physical education college students was analyzed. With the collected data, single regression analysis and multiple regression analysis was performed by SPSSWIN Ver 12.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the indirect aggression and speech aggression impacts positive(+) influence on depression. Second, the indirect aggression impacts positive(+) influence, but negative aggression impacts negative(-) influence on state anger. Third, the indirect aggression, violence aggression, negative aggression, and speech aggression intact positive(+) influence on trait anger. Fourth, the depression impacts positive(+) influence on state anger and trait anger levels. These results were discussed based on the previous and practical studies on aggression, depression, and anger.
Key Words
aggression, depression, anger Level, state anger, trait anger
The relationship among verbal violence experience, aggression, dropout intention and Leisure sports participation 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참가자의 언어폭력 경험과 공격성, 중도탈락 의도 및 운동참가의 관계
46(3) 55-67, 2007
The relationship among verbal violence experience, aggression, dropout intention and Leisure sports participation 인문,사회과학편 : 생활체육 참가자의 언어폭력 경험과 공격성, 중도탈락 의도 및 운동참가의 관계
The prime goal of the present study was to examine the relationship between verbal violence experience that is widely spread in leisure sports field and leisure sports participation, and to verify the structural equation modeling based on the hypothetical framework that tested from the previous study(Kang, 2005) in order to determine the fitness of the model. 969 leisure sports participants were selected from 10 sports items as subjects using proportional stratified cluster sampling method from April to June, 2006. Significant results are; 1. There were significant differences of aggression, dropout intention and leisure sports participation among personal attributes. 2. There were significant differences of aggression, dropout intention and leisure sports participation among leisure sports styles and perceived self exercise ability. 3. Sem proposed by verbal violence, aggression, dropout intention, and leisure sports participation is fit. Also the primary factor affecting leisure sports participation is dropout intention, follows by verbal violence.
The efficient improvements of BTL educational facility project for the mixed-use of school sports facility 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육시설 복합화를 위한 BTL 교육시설사업의 개선방안
이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
46(3) 69-79, 2007
The efficient improvements of BTL educational facility project for the mixed-use of school sports facility 인문,사회과학편 : 학교체육시설 복합화를 위한 BTL 교육시설사업의 개선방안
이근모KeunMoLee , 이남미NamMiLee
The present study was conducted to explore efficiency improvement schemes for the mixed-use of school sports facility usage in the BTL Project which was commenced since 2005 by the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development and suggest the strategies required for efficient acquisition and increased utilization of school sports facilities through BTL. The BTL Project was implemented as a supplementary measure for early expansion of educational, cultural and welfare facilities and low fiscal capacity. However, the extension/remodeling of school sports facilities proposed by the BTL Project at the moment is only focused on the advantage that schools can be built fast and matters like unsteady educational environment or unique characteristics of school athletic dubs or local communities are not being considered at all. As remedies for such issues, several plans including requesting detailed project specification drawn up with schools’ and local characteristics takon into account, diversification and specialization in regard to changing environment and rational space utilization plan, and securing a professional management team in preparation for opening the facilities to local community members could be consulted. Also, efforts should be made for conversion into a for-profit enterprise.
Key Words
BTL, school sports facility, private investment project, mixed use, community sports
The effects of teenagers’ interests in mixed martial arts matches on the extent of watching the matches and physical aggression 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 이종격투기경기 관심도가 시청정도 및 신체적 공격성에 미치는 영향
박소영SoYoungPark , 이근모KeunMoLee
46(3) 81-90, 2007
The effects of teenagers’ interests in mixed martial arts matches on the extent of watching the matches and physical aggression 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 이종격투기경기 관심도가 시청정도 및 신체적 공격성에 미치는 영향
박소영SoYoungPark , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of teenagers' interests in Mixed Martial Arts matches on the extent of watching the matches and physical aggression. For this study, male teenagers who have seen Mixed Martial Arts matches were selected as the population. Then, 632 persons were finally surveyed and analyzed by using a method of stratified duster random sampling. Exploratory Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis were performed on data analysis with SPSS WmdowlZO. As a result of this study, following results were deducted. First, it was found that cognitive and behavioral interests in Mixed Martial Arts matches have an influence on the extent of watching the matches. Second, it was found that behavioral and affective interests in Mixed Martial Arts matches have an influence on physical aggression. Third, it was found that the extent of watching Mixed Martial Arts matches has an influence on physical aggression.
Comparative analysis for Korean and Japanese major newspapers’ coverage of Korea vs. Japan matches in World Baseball Classic 인문,사회과학편 : 월드베이스볼클래식(World Baseball Classic) 한·일전에 대한 한국과 일본의 주요 신문보도 비교분석
조성식SeongSikCho , 유재구JaeGuYu , 김혜자HyeJaKim
46(3) 91-100, 2007
Comparative analysis for Korean and Japanese major newspapers’ coverage of Korea vs. Japan matches in World Baseball Classic 인문,사회과학편 : 월드베이스볼클래식(World Baseball Classic) 한·일전에 대한 한국과 일본의 주요 신문보도 비교분석
조성식SeongSikCho , 유재구JaeGuYu , 김혜자HyeJaKim
This study attempted to make a comparative analysis for the major newspapers' coverage of Korea versus Japan matches in World Baseball Classic. Two major newspapers with the most subscription were selected in each country. The content analysis was used to figure out to what extent each newspaper covered Korea-Japan matches in WBC. And the interpretive textual analysis was employed to analyze the symbolic meanings and implications of newspaper headlines and articles. The results showed that Korean newspapers paid more attention to the coverage of Korean-Japan matches than Japanese newspapers; they covered the rival competitions in many pages beyond the sports-section Each country's newspapers revealed the extended, political, or ideological coverage practices of the matches; when their nation won the game, they tended to portray the outcomes of the games as the victory of symbolic war or the increase of people's pride and dignity. When their nation lost, the newspapers tended to highlight the positive and constructive aspects of the game results, instead of reporting people's disappointment and frustration.
A case study of the person-centered counseling and the psychological skill training 인문,사회과학편 : 상담(Person-Centered) 및 PST를 적용한 볼링선수 사례연구
46(3) 101-113, 2007
A case study of the person-centered counseling and the psychological skill training 인문,사회과학편 : 상담(Person-Centered) 및 PST를 적용한 볼링선수 사례연구
The specific aims of the study are, first, to grasp the psychological problems through counselling before the treatment on Bowling player, and, secondly, to set the PST for arbitration of psychological problems. Next, the PST and the person-centered counselling are tested. Finally, the effect of applying the case AB to the players is verified through the change of the psychological skill and analyzing the performance and verbal reaction of the participants. The subject of this study are one male bowling player who are the members of the Korea Bowling association. To accomplish this study’s aim, we made sure the stability of the data before the treatment and applied the counselling and PST using the singular case, AB plan method. First, the person-centered counselling and PST have positive effect on the primary psychological skill’s factor(TOPS), especially on the damming one’s feeling factor. Second, the person-centered counselling and PST can change player’s concentration to the positive side. Third, the person-centered counselling and PST can elevate the player’s self confidence that has positive effects on the player’s performance. Fourth, the person-centered counselling is a good method to make aware of one’s problems, and through the counselling, we can arbitrate the player’s psychological problems.
Key Words
PST, person-centered counseling
The effect of health risks and severity factors on decisional balance and perceived risk in internet health information users 인문,사회과학편 : 인터넷 건강정보 이용자들의 건강위험 발생가능성 및 심각성 요인이 의사결정균형과 위험지각에 미치는 영향
김찬원ChanWonKim , 김석일SeokIlKim
46(3) 115-125, 2007
The effect of health risks and severity factors on decisional balance and perceived risk in internet health information users 인문,사회과학편 : 인터넷 건강정보 이용자들의 건강위험 발생가능성 및 심각성 요인이 의사결정균형과 위험지각에 미치는 영향
김찬원ChanWonKim , 김석일SeokIlKim
The present paper focused on how potential health risk and severity influenced on the Internet use for health information. Exploratory factor analysis and regression showed that the potential health risk factors included ‘environmental risk(23.4%), ‘social risk(18.3%)’ and ‘living risk(17.7%)’ while the severity factors included ‘environmental severity(27.1%), ‘living severity(21.3%)’, and ‘social severity(18.5%)’ In more detail, the ‘social risk’ influenced on the pros factor of ‘decisional balance’, and the ‘environmental risk’ influenced on the perceived risk in the potential health risk factors. Also, ‘living severity’ affected the pros factor, and the ‘environmental severity’ affected the perceived risk in the ‘severity’ factors. These results confirmed that perceived benefit must overcome perceived barrier in order to take preventive action.
Key Words
internet health information, health risks, decisional balance, perceived risk preventive health
Differences in operating mechanism of action observation as task difficulty 인문,사회과학편 : 과제난이도에 따른 활동관찰의 작용기전 차이
김태호TaeHoKim , 박상범SangBumPark
46(3) 127-134, 2007
Differences in operating mechanism of action observation as task difficulty 인문,사회과학편 : 과제난이도에 따른 활동관찰의 작용기전 차이
김태호TaeHoKim , 박상범SangBumPark
The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in operating mechanism as task difficulty by analyzing the activation of cerebral cortex during observation of the juggling scenes consisting of various task difficulty. Eight male university students participated in the experiment and were repeatedly assigned to difficulty 2-L, 2-R, 3 and 4 condition. EEG data were measured during action observation from the specific scalp areas including F3, F4, C3, C4, P3, P4, Ol, and 02. From the measured data, relative alpha power and relative beta power were computed. The relative alpha power of all difficulty conditions revealed significant decrease compared to the resting state and the relative alpha power showed decreasing tendency as increase of task difficulty. In addition, differences in activation between hemispheres as difficulty were modulated by brain area. Theses results suggest that action observation activates cerebral cortex and it's level of activation can be affected by both task difficulty and brain area. Analysis of the relative beta power was similar to the patterns of relative alpha power and its result supports above insistence.
Key Words
action observation, task difficulty, EEG
Students embodied experiences in sport education 인문,사회과학편 : 학생의 스포츠교육 수업에 대한 체험
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
46(3) 135-148, 2007
Students embodied experiences in sport education 인문,사회과학편 : 학생의 스포츠교육 수업에 대한 체험
최원준WonJunChoi , 김진희JinHeeKim
The purpose of this paper is to inquiry embodied experiences on the Sport Education in elementary student. 32 students were involved during 2005 semester. Athletics and modified net games were implemented. As embodied experiences of Sport Education is describes as five categories. Students understood real learning experience, team activities, personal experiences, role taking, and authorizing physical education class. Students' attitudes changed over the seasons. At first, there were conflicts within the team, complaints about the teacher, and an attachment to victory. However, as the season progressed, they experienced joy and enthusiasm, which placed significance on active participation, cooperation with peers, responsibility, and reflective activities.
Key Words
sport education, embodied experiences
The beliefs of classroom teachers about teaching elementary physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 초등 체육교육에 대한 담임교사들의 신념
46(3) 149-161, 2007
The beliefs of classroom teachers about teaching elementary physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 초등 체육교육에 대한 담임교사들의 신념
The purpose of this study was to confirm the beliefs of teachers for PE in the preparation and the implementation of physical education lessons. For this study, the data were collected through in-depth interviews, the observations of lessons, and documents. The participants for this study were 12 classroom teachers of third or fourth graders. Data were analyzed by the methods of case record analysis and inductive category analysis. Triangulation, member checks, and peer debriefing established the trustworthiness of data. The beliefs of teachers for teaching elementary school physical education lessons were categorized as the formation of beliefs and changes. Also, the beliefs of teachers intrinsic to the plan and execution of physical education lessons were categorized as three types. The positive beliefs of classroom teachers were that the first group of teachers who realized the necessity and the importance of PE because elementary school teachers are supposed to carry out the physical education class. The second group of teachers realized the values and importance of physical education, but their practice were not sufficient enough due to their realistic beliefs. Lastly, the third group of teachers had bad perceptions about PE, and also the practices were inadequate revealing their evasive beliefs.
The perceptions of elementary school teachers on physical education textbook and the realities of using them 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육교과서에 대한 인식과 활용실태
박대권DaeGwonPark , 김명수MyeongSooKim , 조호제HoJeCho
46(3) 163-174, 2007
The perceptions of elementary school teachers on physical education textbook and the realities of using them 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육교과서에 대한 인식과 활용실태
박대권DaeGwonPark , 김명수MyeongSooKim , 조호제HoJeCho
The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptions of elementary school teachers on physical education textbooks and the realities of using them To achieve the purpose, the questionnaires of 169 elementary school teachers in Daegu and Kumi were used. The collected data were analyzed through frequency and crossing analysis by total, male and female, career. According to the conclusion of this study, the teachers perceive that the textbooks were composed by merely arraying materials and the function of the textbooks was only transferring studying contents. And the teachers are thinking that the textbook have too much contents and is inconvenient using on the playground.
Thus, the teachers used the textbook for teaching cognitive domain as well as physical education lesson. But they did not use the textbooks comprehensively. The teachers used the textbook by reorganizing the contents and orders on their own conditions.
Key Words
textbook, physical education, reorganization
The directions for developing physical education textbooks based on the analysis of ‘physical education and health’ textbooks 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 ‘체육과 건강’ 교과서 분석에 따른 교과서 개발의 개선 방향 탐색
46(3) 175-185, 2007
The directions for developing physical education textbooks based on the analysis of ‘physical education and health’ textbooks 인문,사회과학편 : 고등학교 ‘체육과 건강’ 교과서 분석에 따른 교과서 개발의 개선 방향 탐색
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the structure and contents of ’Physical Education and Health Textbooks' based on elective curriculum and to suggest the directions for developing physical education textbooks after the revised elective curriculum is being published. Results showed that most textbooks have been developed to reflect the content system such as individual exercise, team exercise, outdoor exercise, fitness exercise, dance, and health and exercise prescription at the level of units and chapters of textbooks. However, in details, it is indicated that the sub-content of the textbooks have constructed regardless of the intents and characteristics of the national elective physical education curriculum and other documents. Finally, it is suggested six directions to develop textbooks based on the revised elective physical education curriculum.
Effect of Local resident`s concern about sports event on Local financial fluctuation and Local SOC awareness change 인문,사회과학편 : 지역주민의 스포츠이벤트 관심도가 지역경제 변동 및 지역SOC의식변화에 미치는 영향
46(3) 187-197, 2007
Effect of Local resident`s concern about sports event on Local financial fluctuation and Local SOC awareness change 인문,사회과학편 : 지역주민의 스포츠이벤트 관심도가 지역경제 변동 및 지역SOC의식변화에 미치는 영향
This study was to find out the difference of local financial fluctuation and local SOC awareness change according to crowding quality and the effect of local resident's concern about sports event on local financial fluctuation and local SOC awareness change. The subject was the adults who lived in Yeosu city and participate in the opening ceremony of “The Festival of Korean Sport For All 2006”, and 787 questionnaires were analyzed. The statistics analysis methods were Cluster Analysis, One-way ANOVA, and Simple Regression Analysis. The results of this study were as follows.
First for local resident’s concern about sports event according to crowding quality, there was a significant difference in local financial fluctuation, local SOC awareness change. Second, local resident’s concern about sports event had positive influence on local financial fluctuation, local SOC awareness change.
Key Words
sports event, financial fluctuation, SOC, concern, Local resident
The influence of Leadership style and team communication of commercial sport organization on the empowerment 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터의 리더십 유형과 팀 커뮤니케이션이 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향
46(3) 199-209, 2007
The influence of Leadership style and team communication of commercial sport organization on the empowerment 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠센터의 리더십 유형과 팀 커뮤니케이션이 임파워먼트에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the affect of team leader’s type of leadership and team communication on empowerment at sports centers. In order to achieve this goal, individuals currently working at sports centers were selected as the target population and actual data were collected from a total of 321 workers at sports centers through the stratified duster random sampling method in Seoul, Gyeang-gi. The Correlation analysis and regression analysis using SPSS version 13.0 show the following results. 1. A causal relationship model about the effects of empowerment is shown according to team leader’s type of leadership and the team communication 2. The revolutionary type shows significant effect on empowerment. 3. Constant communication shows effect on empowerment.
Key Words
Leadership, communication, empowerment
The types of personalities of golf brands and the effects that can be caused by those types on the characteristic-factors of consumer and products 인문,사회과학편 : 골프용품 브랜드 개성유형과 소비자,제품 특성요인에 미치는 영향
The types of personalities of golf brands and the effects that can be caused by those types on the characteristic-factors of consumer and products 인문,사회과학편 : 골프용품 브랜드 개성유형과 소비자,제품 특성요인에 미치는 영향
The study was purposed to examine the types of personalities of golf brands and the effects that could be caused by those types on the characteristic-factors of consumer and products. The subject of this study were 474 customer(327 male, 147 female) who were registered in the golf practice range in Jeorgu area. The date were processed using the SPSS 12.0 program. Frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, correlation analysis, multiple regression were used for statistical analysis. The following section was the summary of results of practical analysis of the study. The personalities of golf brands that consumer recognize appear to be sincerity, activity, sophistication, and courtesy. As for the effect which was caused by brand personality on consumer-goods traits, sincerity, activity, sophistication had influence on the involvement, and sincerity, activity had influence on rationality, and sincerity, sophistication had influence on product-familiarity.
Causal relationship among sponsorship activity, advertising effect and purchasing behavior in K-League pro soccer 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 스폰서십 활동이 광고효과, 구매행동에 미치는 영향
46(3) 221-230, 2007
Causal relationship among sponsorship activity, advertising effect and purchasing behavior in K-League pro soccer 인문,사회과학편 : 프로축구 스폰서십 활동이 광고효과, 구매행동에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to shed light on the causal relationship among sponsorship activity, advertising effect and purchasing behavior in 2006 K-League pro soccer. 300 K-League pro soccer customers were chosen from 5 pro soccer stadium(Seoul, Suwon, Seongnam, Incheon, Seongnam). Among 300 questionnaires distributed and collected, 36 were excluded from the study because they were neither thoughtfully nor completely answered. As a result, only 264 questionnaires were adopted and analyzed. The reliability test by using Cronbach’s α method yielded the following results: the sponsorship participation reliability is 7790, the reliability in endorsement is .7619, the reliability in advertising attitude is .7701, the reliability in corporate identification is .8482, the reliability in product attitude is .8001 and the reliability in purchasing behavior is .8403. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis, regression analysis and factor analysis. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, sponsorship activity significantly influences corporate identification and product attitude. Second, sponsorship activity significantly influences purchasing behavior. Third, advertising effect significantly influences purchasing behavior.
The casual relationship among athlete`s image, athlete-brand image congruence, and brand equity 인문,사회과학편 : 선수 이미지, 선수와 브랜드 이미지 일치성 및 브랜드 자산간의 인과관계
46(3) 231-241, 2007
The casual relationship among athlete`s image, athlete-brand image congruence, and brand equity 인문,사회과학편 : 선수 이미지, 선수와 브랜드 이미지 일치성 및 브랜드 자산간의 인과관계
The purpose of this study was to analyze the casual relationship among athletes image, athlete-brand image congruence, and brand equity. To accomplish the objection of the research, 820 men and women ages from the twenties to the late fifties were picked out as the survey subjects to understand the general character, athlete image, athlete-brand image congruence, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand image, and brand loyalty factors. The collected data was analyzed through LISLEL(ver. 8.30) to obtain results for analysis of covariance structures. The result was that athlete image has a direct effect on athlete-brand image congruency, brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. The athlete-brand image congruency turned out to have a direct effect on perceived quality and brand image. Also, brand awareness seen모d to have a direct effect on perceived quality, perceived quality have a direct effect on brand image, brand image have a direct effect on brand loyalty. Therefore, for those that are trying to do athlete sponsorship through immense cost, one would have to select the suitable athlete strategically to match the goal of sponsorship to maximize the effectiveness of endorsement.
Review of NCOA Best practice for older adults in US for developing community-based physical activity program in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 고령자의 신체활동 프로그램개발을 위한 미국 NCOA의 Best practice 사례고찰
46(3) 243-256, 2007
Review of NCOA Best practice for older adults in US for developing community-based physical activity program in Korea 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 고령자의 신체활동 프로그램개발을 위한 미국 NCOA의 Best practice 사례고찰
With an increasing number of older population, public attention has been increased in health promotion and quality improvement in later life and physical activity as menas for this has been paid attention Korean government have been putting more efforts to diffuse physical activity programs for older adults through various channels but still many drawbacks remained with several issues to be resolved. In 2003/ the National Council on Aging (NCOA) conducted a national competition to identify best practices in physical activity programming for older adults to focus public policy and rational strategies on expanding the research and quality of such programming. After a rigorous review process, 10 programs were selected and site visited by an expert team. This study provides information about 7 programs among those 10 programs with the detail information of program structure, funding mechanism, intervention strategies. This review paper provides a fundamental sources for implementing community-based physical activity program for older adults in Korea.
Key Words
community-based physical activity, older adults, best practice
A Legal study on the accidents in swimming pool 인문,사회과학편 : 수영장사고에 관한 법적 고찰
46(3) 257-268, 2007
A Legal study on the accidents in swimming pool 인문,사회과학편 : 수영장사고에 관한 법적 고찰
The results of this study were as follows. The safety standards of swimming pool are elucidated in autonomy’s home rule clause based on the law, the law on facility’s foundation & utilization of physical education, enforcement ordinance, regulation From the safety facility’s standard, only a construction of a watchtower which can look out over whole pool area and stationing of 2 life guards is stated, so there should be dause concerning number of watchtower and life guard depend on pod size and the number of swimming pool user. Basis on legal responsibility of accidents in swimming pool are such as instructor’s mistake, life guard’s indifferent observation, operator’s clause violation and carelessness in management, supervision. To prevent crashing on the pool bottom, establishment of some clauses concerning depth near starting block and diving start. In case of civil suit, even though a plaintiff win by exerting responsibility of danger. But in some cases, if there isn’t violation of safety standard clause, management office’s delinquency, that is to say, no-fault responsibility was not approved.
Key Words
accident, swimming pool, watchtower, depth, Life guards, Legal responsibility, no-fault responsibility
Analyses of consumption patterns and consumer satisfaction of golf event participants 인문,사회과학편 : 골프대회 참가자들의 소비특성 및 소비자만족도에 관한 연구
46(3) 269-279, 2007
Analyses of consumption patterns and consumer satisfaction of golf event participants 인문,사회과학편 : 골프대회 참가자들의 소비특성 및 소비자만족도에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to analyze consumer behaviors of golf event participants. A survey methodology was applied with participants in a golf event hosted by a local agency. A total of 450 completed questionnaires were analyzed using chi square analysis and multiple regression analysis. Accordingly, following results were derived. First, in terms of consumption patterns based on demographic factors, statistical significant differences existed in number of accompanying people, date of staying duration and recognition paths to the event. Second, factors influencing golf event participants included traffic, benefits, and service among 5 independent variables. Third, factors influencing golf event participants’ repurchase intention included benefits and facility only. Finally, such findings were throughly discussed on previous results.
Key Words
sport and golf event, participants, consumption patterns, satisfaction, repurchase intention
The relationship between participation motivation and self-fulfillment of intersection program through the country 인문,사회과학편 : 조국순례대행진 참가학생의 참여동기와 자아성취감의 관계
김용규YongKyuKim , 김덕진DeokJinKim
46(3) 281-290, 2007
The relationship between participation motivation and self-fulfillment of intersection program through the country 인문,사회과학편 : 조국순례대행진 참가학생의 참여동기와 자아성취감의 관계
김용규YongKyuKim , 김덕진DeokJinKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationship between participation motivation and self-fulfillment of intersection program through the country. The subjects for this study totalled 104(elementary school:53, middle school:51) participants. Instalments of this study were used Participation Motivation ScaleQung, 1997; Lee, 2003) and Self-Fulfillment Scale(Mm, 1986) reproduced by exploratory factor analysis. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 11.0. The following conclusions were drawn: First, enjoyment motivation factor was higher than others. Second, There was no difference in participation motivation and self-fulfillment by school level. Third, There was no difference in participation motivation but, there was difference in self-fulfillment by inducement. Forth, participation motivation had positive relationships with self-fulfillment. Fifth, the participation motivation of intersection program through the country bad an effect on self-fulfillment.
Key Words
intersection program through the country, participation motivation, self-fulfillment
The effect of viewing satisfaction with the han river international beach volleyball event on the image, word-of-mouth intention, revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 한강 국제비치발리볼대회 관람 만족도가 이미지, 구전의도, 재방문에 미치는 영향
46(3) 291-301, 2007
The effect of viewing satisfaction with the han river international beach volleyball event on the image, word-of-mouth intention, revisit 인문,사회과학편 : 한강 국제비치발리볼대회 관람 만족도가 이미지, 구전의도, 재방문에 미치는 영향
This study was the effect of service quality of beach volleyball event and citizens’ satisfaction, image, word-of-mouth and revisit. As a result, the following findings were obtained. First, it was found that the international facility size of the Han River International Beach Volleyball Game, the comfortable and beautiful environment, players’ wonderful play and appearance have an effect on viewing citizens' satisfaction. Second, it was found that the audience's satisfaction with the Han River International Beach Volleyball bad a positive effect on the formation of the game image. Third, it was found that the image of the Han River International Beach Volleyball Game had a significant effect on the word-of-mouth intention and revisit.
Difference of golf consumer type through golf partner type 인문,사회과학편 : 골프참가동반자에 따른 골프소비성향의 차이
우종웅JongWoongWoo , 이찬형ChanHyungLee , 김지은JeeEunKim
46(3) 303-312, 2007
Difference of golf consumer type through golf partner type 인문,사회과학편 : 골프참가동반자에 따른 골프소비성향의 차이
우종웅JongWoongWoo , 이찬형ChanHyungLee , 김지은JeeEunKim
This study is to examine how difference of golf consumer type through golf participants type as the subject 585 golf participants in Seoul, Kyunggi province for reviewing. The Questionnaire was developed by factor analysis to golf participants type and golf consumer type. Golf consumer type's factor are constructed to veblenian, bandwagon, snob, bedonist, frugalist. To understand the individual characteristics of the subjects, the frequency analysis was used. And to investigate the difference individual characteristics, golf consumer type and golf partner type, X2 oneway ANOVA, ANCOVA were used. The results of this study can be acquired as follows; First, golf consumer type is partially different by the golf partner type. Second, golf consumer type is partially different by the individual characteristics. Third, golf consumer type is partially different by golf partner type.
Key Words
golf consumer type, golf partner type
The conflict and deteriorating competence of former national golf team player from the before and after turning to professional 인문,사회과학편 : 국가대표출신 프로골프선수의 프로전향 전후의 갈등과 기량저하
송병주ByungJooSong , 이철원ChulWonLee , 전태준TaeJunChon
46(3) 313-323, 2007
The conflict and deteriorating competence of former national golf team player from the before and after turning to professional 인문,사회과학편 : 국가대표출신 프로골프선수의 프로전향 전후의 갈등과 기량저하
송병주ByungJooSong , 이철원ChulWonLee , 전태준TaeJunChon
The purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of the conflict and deteriorating competence of former national golf team player before and after turning to professional player through qualitative research which the method is in-depth interview and participant observation especially focused on the experiences of their both national team career and professional golf career. The method of the selection of the study participants was purposive sampling method which had been used broadly in qualitative research. The terms of the data collection using in-depth interview was 45days and had made up by data analysis(self-introduction note, regret note), participate observation(field note). The result is as follows; the conflicts before turning to professional golfer are categorized to financial agony, conflict against amateur association and pressure from the coach and parents. Deteriorating competence after turning to professional categorized to physical situation, psychological situation and social·environmental situation. Therefore, result of this study can be useful guiding principle to those who are amateurs planning to be a professional golfer.
Key Words
national team player, conflict, deteriorating competence, phenomenon research
Effects on Leisure satisfaction of Leisure activity type from difference perception for body image in women university students 인문,사회과학편 : 여대생의 신체이미지 차이지각에 따른 여가활동유형이 여가만족에 미치는 영향
최윤희YoonHeeChoi , 이철원ChulWonLee , 한우진WooJinHan
46(3) 325-337, 2007
Effects on Leisure satisfaction of Leisure activity type from difference perception for body image in women university students 인문,사회과학편 : 여대생의 신체이미지 차이지각에 따른 여가활동유형이 여가만족에 미치는 영향
최윤희YoonHeeChoi , 이철원ChulWonLee , 한우진WooJinHan
The purpose of this study is to understand the perception of differences of women's university students' body image and to examine how the types of leisure activity effect on leisure satisfaction. In this study, questionnaire sheet was used as a measuring tool and participants were asked to answer through self-administrated method. Target participants for this selected from women's university students located in Seoul, and 577 sheets were used for the actual analysis. Data of this study were analyzed by SPSS version 13.0 of Window compatible software. In all variables, small group of perception of differences of effect on the leisure activity type indicated a casual relationship in social-recreational activity, there are casual relationships in watching-appreciating activity except relaxation satisfaction, sports activity indicated a casual relations with physical and environmental satisfaction. Big group of perception of difference of body image indicated social-recreational activity in all variables, sports activity indicated a casual relations in physical, relaxation and psychological satisfaction, watching-appreciating activity indicated a casual relations in physical, environmental and psychological satisfaction.
Key Words
body image, Leisure activity type, Leisure satisfaction
The effect of social support, self-esteem and psychological wellbeing of sports participant in elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 여가 스포츠 참가 노인의 사회적 지지와 자아존중감이 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 효과
46(3) 339-350, 2007
The effect of social support, self-esteem and psychological wellbeing of sports participant in elderly 인문,사회과학편 : 여가 스포츠 참가 노인의 사회적 지지와 자아존중감이 심리적 웰빙에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between leisure sports participation and social support self esteem, and psychological wellbeing in elderly. Using the stratified cluster random sampling method, 291 subjects from the sports dub members who have been taking part in Youngdong region of Gangwon province were finally collected after data cleaning. The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and AMOS 4.0 statistical package. From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained : Firstly, theoretical model proposed in this study tamed out to be significant because GFI and AGFI are greater than .80. Secondly, in the path analysis, there are causality related to between social support, self esteem and psychological wellbeing. Participation in leisure sports of elderly has directly and indirectly influence on social support, self esteem and psychological wellbeing.
Key Words
social support, self esteem psychological wellbeing
The relationships among participation of regular exercise, type a behavior pattern and state anxiety in women university students 인문,사회과학편 : 여대생의 생활체육 참여와 A형 행동유형 및 상태불안의 관계
김덕진DeokJinKim , 김용규YongKyuKim
46(3) 351-359, 2007
The relationships among participation of regular exercise, type a behavior pattern and state anxiety in women university students 인문,사회과학편 : 여대생의 생활체육 참여와 A형 행동유형 및 상태불안의 관계
김덕진DeokJinKim , 김용규YongKyuKim
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among participation of regular exercise, type A behavior pattern and state anxiety in women university students participating squash. The subjects of this study were 309 students who participating regular exercise in E and K women university. The instrument were used the Behavior Pattern Evaluation developed by Girdano, Everly, & Dusek(1990) and standardized in Korean language by Jang & Kang(1996) for type A behavior pattern. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI) were used developed by Spielberger(1966)/ standardized in Korean language by Kim & Shin(1978). The SPSS 11.0 version for windows were used to perform Cronbach's a, descriptive statistics, MANOVA, AMOVAf correlate, regression analysis. From the analysis of the data, the following conclusions of the study were obtained. The Type A behavior pattern and the state anxiety of women university students who participate regular exercise were higher than do not that. And the Type A behavior pattern influenced state anxiety in women university students who participate regular exercise.
Key Words
regular exercise, Type A behavior pattern, state anxiety
A theoretical study on the psychological characteristics of breathing in Korea traditional dances 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 춤 호흡에 관한 심리학적 탐색
46(3) 361-368, 2007
A theoretical study on the psychological characteristics of breathing in Korea traditional dances 인문,사회과학편 : 한국 춤 호흡에 관한 심리학적 탐색
The study attempts to examine the psychological characteristics of breathing in Korea traditional dance in connection with anapanasati, a Buddha’s breath meditation. Recently, various approaches are made to research on the breathing in Korea traditional dance but no research has been carried out in psychological perspective, anapanasati concentrates the mind on breathing, thereby getting aware of the body, causing changes to the mind and ultimately reaching openness and truth. It has some parallels with the object of Korean traditional dance, which aims to reach the state of 'movement in stillness/ absorption, exhilaration and emotional tranquility through the meeting between microcosm, that is, the body of the dancer, and macrocosm, anapanasati which concentrates the mind in the lower abdomen and Korean traditional dance make one stay in a state of calm by controlling his inner world only through breathing. In particular, the jeongjae which requires a deep and slow breathing technique makes the dancer have a positive emotional state through breathing, through which he can reach the state of openness and truth psychologically. In conclusion, it is found in the study that the breathing in Korea traditional dance takes the same psychological form as that of, and the study is an attempt to get aware of the cultural breath of Buddhism and Korea traditional dance.
Key Words
anapanasati, breathing, Korea traditional dance
The study of interest by the understanding art policy of professional dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수들의 예술정책 인식도에 따른 관심도 분석
46(3) 369-377, 2007
The study of interest by the understanding art policy of professional dancers 인문,사회과학편 : 직업무용수들의 예술정책 인식도에 따른 관심도 분석
The purpose of the study is the demonstrative searching a interest of dancers by the understanding art policy. For the purpose of this, the data in the study are based on the sample of dancers that dance professionally in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. and the survey used for collecting data was completed and improved in "The study of interest and utility of the teacher for Middle School in the Seventh Curriculum"(Yoon Jin Yeong, 2001) the concrete statistical analysis are as follows : factor analysis, Cron-bach's a, one-way ANONA, Duncan post-hoc test, t-test, standard multiple regression analysis etc. The result of the study are as follows. At first, the difference of understanding by sex, age, education, fund benefit experience, career m the personal characteristics variable of professional dancers keeps in mind. Second, the understanding of art policy has an effect on interest, knowledge, participation. As a result, we can draw a conclusion that The more understanding is higher the more interest is higher.
Key Words
professional dancers, understanding art policy, interest
Motor rehabilitation intervention for functional motor recovery and brain neural plasticity -Principle and application for maximal functional motor recovery- 자연과학편 : 운동기능회복을 위한 운동재활과 뇌신경 가소성 -뇌졸중 후 운동기능회복 극대화를 위한 원리와 적용-
46(3) 379-391, 2007
Motor rehabilitation intervention for functional motor recovery and brain neural plasticity -Principle and application for maximal functional motor recovery- 자연과학편 : 운동기능회복을 위한 운동재활과 뇌신경 가소성 -뇌졸중 후 운동기능회복 극대화를 위한 원리와 적용-
Stroke is a leading cause of substantial disability and disrupts the voluntary control of motor action required for every day life. Even though spontaneous recovery of motor function would be happened, research data showed that fewer than 15% of individuals recovered normal motor function in the hemiplegic upper limb disfunction Fortunately, in addition to brain injury-related reorganization, specific motor cortex functions can be modified by individual motor experiences. Such brain neural plasticity provide major implications for the type of rehabilitative training on the post-stroke patients. This review proposes that activity-dependent intervention based on the theoretical background of motor control & learning and interlimb coordination principles gain significant results for motor recovery of upper limb. Based upon behavioral and neurophysiological mechanisms, bilateral movement training/practice has shown great premise toward chronic stroke recovery in the upper extremity. Further research will clarify the contribution of interlimb synergies to cortical neural plasticity for chronic stroke rehabilitation and substantiate the efficacy of bilateral movements intervention for maximal motor recovery.
Key Words
brain neural plasticity, motor functional recovery, motor relearning
The effects of combined training on cardiac function in the percent body fat with middle aged men 자연과학편 : 중년 남성들의 체지방률에 따른 복합 트레이닝이 심장기능에 미치는 영향
46(3) 393-404, 2007
The effects of combined training on cardiac function in the percent body fat with middle aged men 자연과학편 : 중년 남성들의 체지방률에 따른 복합 트레이닝이 심장기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combined training on cardiac function in the %body fat with middle aged men Subjects were 60 middle aged men who were 40~50 years old Each of the subjects was provided with a 12week aerobic exercise and 15min circulation exercise program suited to his capacity. The results are as follows; The ST/HR slope adjusted by heart rate diagnosed symptoms of ischemia earlier than the ST segment before the subjects participated in the combined training. But the symptoms of ischemia in따roved above the normal level at less than 2.4㎶/bpm in the overweight, obesity, and severe obesity groups after their participation in the training. The UTS increased at inductions V2 and V5 in the severe obesity group before their participation in the combined training, and the CVM after five years decreased in the overweight, obesity and severe obesity groups. In conclusion, the increase of body fat accounted for the ST/HR slope going down, and a cardiovascular disease occurring^ but regular participation in the exercise program helps the resolve symptoms of ischemia, decrease the likelihood of a cardiovascular disease occurring, and reduce the predictive value of the annual cardiovascular mortality.
Key Words
% body fat, ST segment depression, ST/HR slope, DTS, CVM
The effect of cytokine gene polymorphisms related with bone mineral density and body composition in athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 골밀도 및 신체조성에 미치는 사이토카인 유전자 변이의 효과에 관한 연구
The effect of cytokine gene polymorphisms related with bone mineral density and body composition in athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수의 골밀도 및 신체조성에 미치는 사이토카인 유전자 변이의 효과에 관한 연구
The goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between two genetic polymorphisms(-596 and -634) in the interlajkin-6(IL-6) gene and body composition and bone mineral density(BMD) in each 30 male athlete and control, respectively. When controls and athletes were compared with each other, there were significant differences in several spinal and femoral BMD values between two groups. In all cases, male athletes indicated higher BMD values than those in control group(P<.05). In contrast, when the genotype and allele frequencies of two genetic polymorphisms in the IL-6 gene and body composition and BMD were analyzed, -634G/G polymorphism in the IL-6 gene were not significantly associated with any clinical parameters, but -596A/G polymorphism was significantly associated with several left femoral BMD values in only control group(P<.05). Our data highlighten that -596A/G polymorphisms in the IL-6 gene may influence the inter-individual difference in the femoral BMD variance, but further studies using larger samle size will be needed.
Key Words
bone mineral density, cytokine, interleukiri-6
The effect and correlation of walking exercise on the obesity indices and serum Leptin, adiponectin and ghrelin in obese girls 자연과학편 : 걷기운동이 비만 여고생의 비만지표와 렙틴, 아디포넥틴 및 그렐린 농도에 미치는 영향과 상관성
46(3) 419-428, 2007
The effect and correlation of walking exercise on the obesity indices and serum Leptin, adiponectin and ghrelin in obese girls 자연과학편 : 걷기운동이 비만 여고생의 비만지표와 렙틴, 아디포넥틴 및 그렐린 농도에 미치는 영향과 상관성
The purpose of this study is that examine the effects of walking exercise on body composition, blood lipid, insulin, HOMA-IR, leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin and to examine the correlation among obesity indices and leptin adiponectin, ghrelin Obese high school girls participated in diet and walking exercise for 8 weeks. Pearson’s multiple correlation analysis, t-test and two-way repeated measures ANOVA were conducted for data analysis using SPSS 12.0 package. The results of this study as follows. Body weight, BM, %fat, WHR, TC, TG, insulin, HOMA-IR and leptin are decreased. Whereas, adiponectin is increased(p<.05). We observed the correlation after setting up the leptin, adiponectin, and ghrelin for independent variables, there was significant correlation(p<.05) among body weight, %fat, WHR, insulin, and HOMA-IR. At last, we discovered positive correlation between obesity indices and leptin. Whereas, there was negative correlation between obesity indices and adiponectin, ghrelin. On the other hand, there was negative correlation between leptin and adiponectin as well as leptin and ghrelin, but positive correlation between adiponectin and ghrelin.
Effects of androgen receptors on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: review 자연과학편 : 엔드로젠 수용체가 근비대 기전에 미치는 영향: 총설
46(3) 429-442, 2007
Effects of androgen receptors on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: review 자연과학편 : 엔드로젠 수용체가 근비대 기전에 미치는 영향: 총설
Aging results in a progressive decrease in muscle strength and muscle mass known as sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is associated with decreased muscle protein synthesis, muscle fiber loss, and a decline in fiber cross-sectional area. Androgens have anabolic effects on skeletal muscle. Androgen actions are mediated by androgen receptors, potential modulators of skeletal muscle mass. Androgen receptors can alter muscle gene expression by binding ligands in cytosol, translocating to the nucleus, and binding to its corresponding DNA response elements. Androgen receptors have also been shown to have ligand-independent effects on muscle gene expression, which can be modulated by several signaling pathways. However, we do not know profound mechanisms by which androgen and androgen receptor modulate muscle related gene expression. Therefore, this review focuses on exploring potential mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy related to androgen and androgen receptor-mediated signaling by analyzing previous studies in this area.
The effect of resistance training on muscle related hormones, inflammatry response, muscular strength, range of motion after Lumbar surgery in lumbar patients 자연과학편 : 요추환자의 척추 수술후 저항성운동이 근육관련 호르몬, 염증반응, 근력 및 가동범위에 미치는 영향
The effect of resistance training on muscle related hormones, inflammatry response, muscular strength, range of motion after Lumbar surgery in lumbar patients 자연과학편 : 요추환자의 척추 수술후 저항성운동이 근육관련 호르몬, 염증반응, 근력 및 가동범위에 미치는 영향
To determine the effect of postoperative resistance training on growth hormone (GH), Testosterone, C-reactive protein(CRP), Muscular Strength and range of motion(ROM) after lumbar surgery. They were tested 3 time; pre-surgery (pre-S), 3 days (3d-S), and 2 weeks after surgery (2w-S). At pre-S GH was 0.36+0.19 in EG and 0.24±0.19 ng/ml in CG, but was elevated in both groups at 3d-S. GH at 2w-S remained elevated in EG but did not in CG. At pre-S Testosterone was 0.16±0.17 in EG and 0.16±0.10 ng/ml in CG, but was elevated in both groups at 3d-S. Testosterone at 2w-S remained elevated in EG but did not in CG. CRP at pre-S was 0.18+0.18 in EG and 0.19+0.12 m/dl in CG. It was elevated in both groups in EG and 1.82±0.60 in CG) at 3d-S. At 2w-S CRP returned to the baseline in EG while remained elevated in CG. ESR was 6.8±2.4 and 8.0±3.4 at pre-S, and 9.3±2.3 and 11.0±5.9 mm/h at 3d-S in EG and CG, respectively. ESR at 2w-S was highly elevated in CG than in EG. At 2w-S, ROM for lumbar and estensor in EG was returned to the level of pre-S, but ROM for both flexor and extensor in CG was not. LFS was 128±22 in EG and 124±8 lbs in CG at pre-S, and it was decreased in both groups at 3d-S. At 2w-S, LFS was elevated in EG but was remained suppressed in CG.
Key Words
Growth hormone, Testosterone, C-reactive protein, CRP, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR, Muscular Strength, range of motion, ROM
The effects of acute weight Loss on body water balance and Lipid peroxidation index in collegiate wrestling athletes 자연과학편 : 대학 레슬링선수의 급성 체중감량이 운동 후 체내 수분조절과 지질과산화물에 미치는 영향
The effects of acute weight Loss on body water balance and Lipid peroxidation index in collegiate wrestling athletes 자연과학편 : 대학 레슬링선수의 급성 체중감량이 운동 후 체내 수분조절과 지질과산화물에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute weight loss for wrestling competition on the state of dehydration and blood aldosterone response and lipid peroxidation index. Total six wrestlers who belong to H university wrestling team and were preparing for the competition volunteered for this experiment. They all were asked to loss the weight within one week till the competition through the way they used to use for weight loss(mostly diet + exercise). Treadmill exercise was performed as warming up for 3min, the primary stage for 10min and the second stage for 12m. The average weight loss was about 5.2% and that caused the average decrease of -13.71 ±4.88% in plasma volume with significant decrease of Hct and non-significant decrease of osmolality and MCV. These dehydration indexes were accompanied with a significant increase of blood aldosterone resting level after acute weight loss. The aldosterone level in exercise condition after weight loss increased much more significantly compared to that in exercise condition before weight loss. The resting blood MDA level showed no significant change by the acute exercise in pre-weight loss condition. But, after weight loss the response of blood MDA to the acute exercise appeared very remarkably compared to pre-weight loss condition. These results represent that acute weight loss influence the production and clearance rate of MDA, lipid peroxidation index by causing the hypoxia of working muscle even after the effect of hemoconcentration is eliminated.
Effects of training method on fatigue material and performance of swimming. running in modern pentathlon athletes 자연과학편 : 트레이닝 방법이 근대5종선수의 피로물질과 수영, 육상 경기력에 미치는 영향
최재현JaeHyunChoi , 한정필JungPilHan
46(3) 461-472, 2007
Effects of training method on fatigue material and performance of swimming. running in modern pentathlon athletes 자연과학편 : 트레이닝 방법이 근대5종선수의 피로물질과 수영, 육상 경기력에 미치는 영향
최재현JaeHyunChoi , 한정필JungPilHan
This study has analyzed the changes of fatigue material and performance at training method between three event training group(TG) and four event training group(FG) for 12weeks in male modem pentathlon athletes(n=16). Training program lasted 12weeks and Participant were randomly divided into FG group(n=8)and TG group(n=8). Fatigue material of the participants were measured by running track at 95% HRmax and 3 min interval training were operated 3 times, Performance of the participant were measured by swimming(200m) and running(3/000m). As for the change rate of the blood lactic acid among groups, FG appeared higher than TG at 20 min of recovery on post test. As for the change rate of the lactate dehydrogenase among groups, FG right after the training was higher than TG at post test. As for the change rate the ammonia among groups, there was no difference at any time. As for swimming, it appeared to have improved at post compared to pre from both groups. As for the change rate at pre to post among groups, TG group was improved more than FG. As for running, it appeared to have improved at post compared to pre from both groups. As for the change rate at pre to post among groups, no difference appeared among groups.
Key Words
modern pentathlon, fatigue material, swimming, running, training method
The Sport injuries of Korean national male and female ice hockey players 자연과학편 : 국가대표 남, 여 아이스하키 선수들의 상해에 관한 조사연구 -2007년 중국 동계 아시안 게임 참가 선수를 대상으로-
46(3) 473-484, 2007
The Sport injuries of Korean national male and female ice hockey players 자연과학편 : 국가대표 남, 여 아이스하키 선수들의 상해에 관한 조사연구 -2007년 중국 동계 아시안 게임 참가 선수를 대상으로-
The purpose of this study is to investigate the sport usuries in male and female ice hockey players who are Korean national team members and provide the way of the prevention for them. In this study, seventeen male and eighteen female ice hockey players participated in the survey. The results are as follows: The injury incidence was 100%, was 66.67%. The body parts injuries were frontal head, teeth, shoulders, pelvis, and knees for male players, and were the back of the head, jaw, wrist, back, thigh and knees for female players. The type of injuries was a contusion in both(male and female players) and the cause of it was collision/falling in both. The therapeutic treatment was to go to the hospital and the one of female players was to put spray on their painful parts or to rest. The prevention was to take a rest and sleep in both. In conclusion, male and female ice hockey players had the unclear consciousness about usuries and countermove. Therefore they must properly wear their protects on their bodies and faces and had to be educated about safety and first aids by specialists.
Key Words
Ice hockey, Sport injuries, Korean national team, prevention
Estimation of validity and reliability in Wingate anaerobic effort testing times 자연과학편 : Wingate 무산소성 운동능력 검사 시간에 따른 신뢰성과 타당성 평가
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
46(3) 485-494, 2007
Estimation of validity and reliability in Wingate anaerobic effort testing times 자연과학편 : Wingate 무산소성 운동능력 검사 시간에 따른 신뢰성과 타당성 평가
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
The purpose of the study was to evaluate reliability and validity of repeated measurement error of Wingate anaerobic test(between 15s, 30s and 45s). Ten elite boxers participated in 2 tests per a week for 3 weeks. No significant difference in mean values was found between 1st and 2nd tests. Due to the correlation effect of TTPP on test time and repetition, TTPP was significantly delayed when the test time was increased (p<.05). Lactic add values showed significant difference at the 3rrin recovery time (p<.05), but no difference in lactic add values within repeated tests. The measurement errors of each test times were resulted in 2-9% (30s test) and 2-65% (45s test); otherwise, the 45s test was lower reliable than the 30s test. The correlation between the 15s and 45s tests was higher than it between the 15s and 30s tests, but the 30s test showed better reliable than the 45s test with small errors. Thus, even the 45s test resulted in lower reliability and work value than those of the 30s test, it may be inappropriate to advice that, instead of the use of 45s test, the 30s test be used due to possible psychological errors of individual tested.
Key Words
wingate anaerobic test, time to peak power, Lactic acid, error
The relationship on an isokinetic for the Lumbar spinal joint muscular on the record of elite short speed skating athletes 자연과학편 : 엘리트 단거리 스피드 스케이팅 선수의 경기기록과 허리관절의 등속성 근력의 관련성
정용균YongKyunJeon , 제갈성렬SungRyulJeagal
46(3) 495-502, 2007
The relationship on an isokinetic for the Lumbar spinal joint muscular on the record of elite short speed skating athletes 자연과학편 : 엘리트 단거리 스피드 스케이팅 선수의 경기기록과 허리관절의 등속성 근력의 관련성
정용균YongKyunJeon , 제갈성렬SungRyulJeagal
The purpose of this study was to get an information on among the record of elite short speed skating athletes, isokinetic Lumbar spinal joint muscular during 100m,\ 500m and 1,000m games. This study were participated in 11 subjects who were elite short speed skating athletes. It was used cybex 770. First, extensor and flexor showed each 317.5±56.15NM(per body mass:436.9±87.63%), 277.1±39.92NM(per body mass380.7±60.40%) at 30°/sec, showed a significant difference(p<.001)/ extensor and flexor showed each 213.9±26.15NM(per bodymass:302.8±44.13%), 184.2±19.98NM(per bodymass%:25218±29,94) at 120°/sec, showed a significant difference(p.001), Second, workload of lumbar spinal joint, showed significant(r= -.592, -.683, -.565)at 100m, 500m, 1000m record. Also workload of lumbar spinal joint(per bodymass%), showed significant(r= -.623, -.618)at 100m, 500m record.
Key Words
Isokinetic, Lumbar spinal joint muscular
Effects of falling experience on physical fitness, isokinetic Leg strength, and balance in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 노인여성의 넘어진 경험이 활동체력, 등속성 각근력 및 평형성에 미치는 영향
Effects of falling experience on physical fitness, isokinetic Leg strength, and balance in the elderly women 자연과학편 : 노인여성의 넘어진 경험이 활동체력, 등속성 각근력 및 평형성에 미치는 영향
This study was designed to investigate the effects of falling experience on physical fitness, isokinetic leg strength, and balance in the elderly women utilizing new instruments with high validity to measure muscle strength and balance in the lower extremities. Forty elderly women were volunteered to participate in the study as subjects. They were divided into two groups, i.e., falling experienced group(FG: n=20) and non-falling experienced group(NFG: n=20). Variables related to physique, body composition, isokinetic leg strength physical fitness, and balance were measured and compared between the two groups. The results in up and down on the chair, leg agility, 10m walk, and flexion of upper arm were significantly lower in FG than NFG. All values in isokinetic leg strength were significantly lower in FG than NFG. In addition, FG showed significantly lower dynamic balance compared to NFG. It was concluded that decline in muscle strength and dynamic balance of lower extremities would be critical factors to cause falling in the elderly.
Key Words
falling, elderly, balance, muscle strength
Kinematical analysis of Tkatchev motion on the horizontal bar 자연과학편 : 철봉 몸펴 Tkatchev 동작의 운동학적 분석
46(3) 517-527, 2007
Kinematical analysis of Tkatchev motion on the horizontal bar 자연과학편 : 철봉 몸펴 Tkatchev 동작의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study was to prove the kinematical variables of the Tkatchev stretch motion, the high bar performance, in terms of flying phases so that we can provide basic sources for improving gymnastic performance. The subjects were 2 male national gymnasts. The subjects Tkatchev Stretched motion was filmed with S-VHS camera at the speed of 60 fields per second and digitized the each fields before the start the handstand motion to landing. And the Kwon3D 3.1 version program was employed to obtain 3-dimensional data. And the following conclusion were drawn; A total time(mean time) of performance showed 1.391sec. The swing phase was required a short time to gain a strong propulsive force and the flight phase was needed longer time to perform better performance. Hip joint should gain the maximum velocity in a circular motion through reducing moment arm to the center of bar. When the performer is releasing the bar, an increase of the vertical speed in the center of the body and extension of a knee joint and a hip joint contribute to increasing a flying height. To make a successful performance, a performer releases the bar at a height bar of 400 cm and at a height of -60 cm horizontally, and the flying performance should be made without moving forward, as maintaining the proper balance, in order to rise over 400 cm high during the flying phase. In the down swing phase, the fast vertical velocity need for the better angular velocity of joint.
A study of kinematic coordination in knee and ankle joint during treadmill gait in negative heel rocker 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 보행 시 후방굴곡형 신발 착용에 따른 무릎관절과 발목관절의 운동학적 협응 연구
안송이SongYiAn , 이기광KiKwangLee , 김상범SangBumKim
46(3) 529-539, 2007
A study of kinematic coordination in knee and ankle joint during treadmill gait in negative heel rocker 자연과학편 : 트레드밀 보행 시 후방굴곡형 신발 착용에 따른 무릎관절과 발목관절의 운동학적 협응 연구
안송이SongYiAn , 이기광KiKwangLee , 김상범SangBumKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the negative heel rocker shoe in comparison with normal shoe in the gait pattern and coordination in knee and ankle joint during walking on a treadmill. Nine healthy men volunteered for this study. Kinematic data in knee and ankle joint was measured by using 3D motion analysis system Muscle activity in rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius was analyzed integral HVC value, maximum peak time and first peak time. The negative heel rocker was significantly increased in knee joint extension during toe-off and it led to maximum peak time delay of rectus femoris. Also there were significant differences in ankle joint angle during heel-strike and in first peak time of tibialis anterior. Specially, muscle activity in rectus femoris and gastrocnemius were significantly increased during stance phase. But there was no significant difference in average CRP variability within subjects. Thus the negative heel rocker dose not directly affects the coordination in gait and may help to strengthen of muscle in knee and ankle joint.
Key Words
rocker heel, variability, EMG
Longitudinal kinematical analysis of double salto bwd. piked in parallel bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉 Double salto bwd. Piked 내리기동작의 향상도 평가
46(3) 541-551, 2007
Longitudinal kinematical analysis of double salto bwd. piked in parallel bars 자연과학편 : 평행봉 Double salto bwd. Piked 내리기동작의 향상도 평가
This study is to formulate strategy for subject who are selected as national athletic in parallel bars event in gymnastics where the subject is possible to win a medal in 2006 Doha Asian games. This, following are the results to enhance the performance through technical analysis to raise the standard in the degree of hardshi. TAs a 1st analysis for Double salto bwd piked which is the degree of technique hardshi, not only the elevation of flight was not high enough, but also, there was demerit point when the subject took backward step after landing. The cause of this fact is that the subject was probably only concerning somersault either than height in airborne. To overcome this weak point in Double salto bwd. piked, the subject repeated work on Tap swing by extension-flexion of hip joint in swing motion. As a result, when the subject is separated from the bar it increased the C.O.G by opening angular of shiulder joint in irdnus(-) and folding lesser angular of hip-joint. It is very effective providing feedback from repeated analysis to make the perfection of the technique. Therefore, using this result in national team’s training would provide positive guidance.
The effect of aroma therapy on aerobic exercise capacity and blood fatigue factors of taekwondo athletes 자연과학편 : 향기요법이 태권도선수의 유산소운동능력과 혈중 피로물질에 미치는 효과
46(3) 553-561, 2007
The effect of aroma therapy on aerobic exercise capacity and blood fatigue factors of taekwondo athletes 자연과학편 : 향기요법이 태권도선수의 유산소운동능력과 혈중 피로물질에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of aroma therapy on aerobic exercise capacity and blood fatigue factors of taekwondo athletes. The subject of this study were 7 males and all subjects were involved in each test. The parameters related to the aerobic exercise capacity were measured through incremental maximal exercise testing before and after each treatment. The aerobic exercise capacity(VO2max, VE, RQ, AT, HR and exercise time) was measured on the tests breath through breathing valves using modified bruce protocol of MetaMax 3B(Metasoft 2, U. S. A). The blood fatigue factor(Lactate, NH3, and Phosphorous) was analyzed with OT 60II (Kodak, U. S. A) and Lactate analyzer(YSI, 1500. U. S. A). Plasma was sampled from an antecubital vein using a hypodermic syringe at rest, post-exercise(all~out), recovery 10 min and 30 min after incremental maximal exercise. The results was as follows. The aerobic exercise capacity were significantly increased(VO2max, VE; p<001; AT: p<.05; Exercise time: p<.05) and decreased(RQ p<.01; HR p<05) by aroma therapy. The blood fatigue factor were significantly decreased by aroma therapy((NH3 p<.05). In conclusion, aroma therapy before treatment have higher effects of exercise capacity than after treatment.
Compared on the cardiopulmonary function and analysis concentration of blood Lactate of middle school girls on the dance major, dance sports major 자연과학편 : 무용전공과 댄스스포츠전공 여중생의 심폐기능 및 혈중 젖산 농도 비교 연구
황예선YeSeonHwang , 오수일SuIllOh
46(3) 563-571, 2007
Compared on the cardiopulmonary function and analysis concentration of blood Lactate of middle school girls on the dance major, dance sports major 자연과학편 : 무용전공과 댄스스포츠전공 여중생의 심폐기능 및 혈중 젖산 농도 비교 연구
황예선YeSeonHwang , 오수일SuIllOh
The purpose of this study was compared changes of cardiopulmonary function, to analysis concentration of blood lactate at rest(before exercise) and after (immediately , recovery 1min, 5mm, 10min, 15min, 30min) the maxi mal graded exercise. The subjects was selected Middle school girls of 25(dance major; 8, dance sports major; 8, control group; 9). Statistical analysis were performed using one-way ANOVA on the between groups of the cardiopulmonary function and concentration of blood lactate, post-hoc was used Duncan’ s, significance level was α=.05. The results of cardiopulmonary function were as follows. There were no significant differences of HRrest(beats/min), HRimx(beats/min) but VO2max(㎖/kg/min), VE(ℓ/min)/ All-out time(sec) were significant differences between the groups(p<.05). Concentration of blood lactate was showed the peak of exercise after 3min (dance group, control group), 5min(dance sports group). And exercise after 10min was significant differences between the groups(p<.05).
The discriminant analysis about the motor ability and the musical capacity on the 5 and 6 grades of elementary school 자연과학편 : 초등학교 고학년의 운동능력과 음악적능력에 대한 판별분석
김영화YoungHwaKim , 김기학GiHackKim , 박정화JungHwaPark
46(3) 573-583, 2007
The discriminant analysis about the motor ability and the musical capacity on the 5 and 6 grades of elementary school 자연과학편 : 초등학교 고학년의 운동능력과 음악적능력에 대한 판별분석
김영화YoungHwaKim , 김기학GiHackKim , 박정화JungHwaPark
The purpose of this study is to discriminate the three different groups(Athletic/ Chorus, General) categorized by motor ability and musical capacity level using multiple discriminant analysis, boys and girls. Subjects are selected 208 children(108 boys, 100 girls) on the 5 and 6 grades in elementary school. Motor ability factors are measured 5 items, music ability factors 3 items, and rhythm ability factor. During the process of discriminant analysis, it is used stepwise method that starts with a variable to make Wilks' Lamda the smallest. The results of the analyses are as follows, 1. In the aspect of boy group, the six elements(rhythm Intellectual and sentimental capacity of music, 800m run, 50m, sit up) of nine make a great contribution to discriminant groups, girl group, four elements(rhythm, intellectual and practical capacity of music, 50m run). 2. There are each element being contributed on the formular of discriminant function which is classified with groups and they have common with each other(boys and girls) called rhythm ability. Therefore, rhythm ability raise the motor ability and musical capacity. 3. It is in case of boys group, 86.7%, and girls group 93.8% that correct discriminant probabilities of multiple discriminant functions to discriminant in 3 group.
Effect of between set difference rest time on the isokinetic muscular function, Vo2max, body composition in the bodybuilder weight training 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝 시 Set간 휴식시간의 차이가 보디빌더의 등속성 근 기능, Vo2max 및 신체구성에 미치는 영향
Effect of between set difference rest time on the isokinetic muscular function, Vo2max, body composition in the bodybuilder weight training 자연과학편 : 웨이트 트레이닝 시 Set간 휴식시간의 차이가 보디빌더의 등속성 근 기능, Vo2max 및 신체구성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to effect of difference rest time on the isokinetic muscular function, VO2max, Body composition in the Bodybuilders. For this study is 14 bodybuilder were each subject was trained 6time a week 60sec rest time group · 180sec rest time group 7bodybuilder shares each, 12 weeks between executes a exercise, this study was training subject were analyzed using two-way ANOVA with repeated measure. The result of this study presents, peak torque was after 12weeks plain improvement expressed at 180sec group, muscle endurance was point of time difference expressed all group, but, not difference expressed a between group. VO2max was point of time difference expressed at 60sec rest group. Body weight, %fat was point of time difference expressed all group, muscle volume was point of time difference expressed at 180sec group.
Key Words
Vo2max, rest time, isokinetic muscular function, body composition, bodybuilder